DCODE / The Finale

At the end of the DCODE Network and time to live blog on the outcomes from the ESRs… Observation 1: The projects operate across 1. the promise that data-driven systems are able to look across social-technical systems at scale, 2. and somehow simultaneously afford individuals opportunity to pursue their projects and practices according to their […]
Post Human experiences and measurement

Very reluctant to get into the habit of offering monthly reflections on the move to RMIT and into Naarm, but the past 4 weeks have been quite extraordinary, hinging around the Australian Posthuman Summer Laboratory that was organised by Fiona Hillary and Troy Innocent. Extending over two weeks beginning with a conversation between N’arweet Prof. […]

Way back in September 2013, I joined a week long ideas retreat in Moscow to develop solutions toward the design of new innovation platforms. Funded through the MIT-Skoltech initiative, part of the Skoltech, the week seemed to respond to the following question: “How can an institution or government seed, grow, and maximize technological innovation and […]
Toilet matters

A short blog post on the ongoing implications for a family home as it becomes reconstituted through the addition of data that is streamed from smart objects. Living in an environment that is equipped with an Internet of Things involves the placement of multiple sensors that record change in conditions, in order to construct a […]
The Haggle-O-Tron: Design intervention in secondhand retail

The Haggle-O-Tron: Design intervention in secondhand retail adapted from the DIS workshop by Chris Speed, Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh Mark Hartswood, School of Informatics University of Edinburgh Eric Laurier, School of Geosciences University of Edinburgh Siobhan Magee, Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh Martin de Jode, CASA University College London. Andrew Hudson-Smith, CASA University College […]
Tales of Things / Omnimuseum

FEATURE taken from Omnimusuem Project website – Original page here, June 12, 2013 The Omnimuseum Project recognizes even the most common things in our world as part of a vast network of informal learning opportunities, rich with history, science and culture. Many emerging technologies are setting the stage for content to be delivered anywhere, associated with […]
Twittest Results summary

Scottish senior school pupils took part, tweeting – and voting on who they though tweets really came from. Over the course of a week in March, our system saw 12,000 tweets and 150,000 votes, with contributions from 2 real celebrities, 3 university staff, 4 chatbots, and hundreds of (mostly) S5 senior school pupils from across […]
Critical Collision seminar

Quick photo from this weeks Critical Collision seminar in Inspace. This is was the first occasion that two groups of Masters students have ever met: MArch Disruptive Technologies posits that Architecture is a creative discipline that crosses boundaries, the context in which it operates is in a state of flux. New materials, new processes, new […]
Places of Difference

Recovering this for Interact Conference… Places of Difference is a 3 minute digital movie made as part of Crossing Over 6 an international micro digital film festival. The film was premiered in Liverpool at the Equity Theatre, and was toured internationally including Ars Electronica. The film explores economic, social and cultural dispositions for four who […]
Norton Park
oh found this old site – barely works. http://x2.i-dat.org/~cs/norton/ Click on the images on the right to scroll through the site – ridiculous navigation! Doubt if anyone looked at any of it past the first page!
RememberUs and Possessions

Quick post on Future Everything gig. Jane, Mike and I set up the memory shed in the Oxfam Emporium, Oldham Street, Manchester on Tuesday. We’ve been collecting memories on to surrogate objects so that the things people buy in the Vintage shop along the street are ‘possessed’ by other peoples memories! Plus gave my talk […]
Disruptive Technologies

So the ESALA MArch programme ‘Disruptive Technologies’ that I run with Remo Predreschi is going well. Some stunning stuff coming from the guys. check more out at: http:/.eca.ac.uk/disruptivetechnologies/
New York Post

Tales of Things has reached the New York Times and Rob Walkers article is a good introduction to the potential of tagging and in particular memory. The Back Story By ROB WALKER Published: September 3, 2010 Ask anybody about the most meaningful object he owns, and you’re sure to get a story — this old […]
RememberMe at Future Everything

Proud of this one, RememberMe. RFID / QR tag piece at the Future Everything Festival in Manchester. Part of the TOTeM work and developed with everybody’s help. http://www.futureeverything.org/festival2010/rememberme The RememberMe artwork is a collaborative project with the Oxfam shop, near Contact Theatre. Leading up to FutureEverything, a research assistant will be based in the shop […]
Walking Through Time

Walking Through Time was given a whole page in the Sunday Herald (Scottish National paper). Not a bad write up, despite spelling peoples names wrong and a few collaborators out! The link the online version of the article is here: http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/education/latest-iphone-app-lets-users-satnav-through-time-1.995767 The article has attracted some interesting phone calls and opportunities, hopefully with some more […]
Walking Through Time Mini Site

So its about time we developed a more public presence for the Walking Through Time project. This is the URL: www.walkingthroughtime.co.uk predictably long, but tries to explain it to the general public but links to the development blog: http://walkingthroughtime.eca.ac.uk
Walking thru time trailer

This is the beta promo for the Walking Through Time JISC funded project. Few grammatical errors need to deal with, but its getting there.