Archive for March, 2012

Critical Collision seminar

Critical Collision seminar

Quick photo from this weeks Critical Collision seminar in Inspace. This is was the first occasion that two groups of Masters students have ever met: MArch Disruptive Technologies posits that Architecture is a creative discipline that crosses boundaries, the context in which it operates is in a state of flux. New materials, new processes, new […]

Community Hacking

Community Hacking

Community Web2.0: creative control through hacking Chris Speed, Martin Phillips, Sharon Baurley,  Amadu Khan, Eoghan Howard, Prospect Community Housing Organisation, and Whale Arts. Connected Communities is a cross-Research Council research programme, led by the AHRC, in close partnership with the ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and NERC and a range of other potential stakeholders. Intro The Community Web2.0: creative control […]

Hacking histories

Hacking histories

Amadu‘s brief history of hacking toward our Community Hacking project – coming soon We would suggest that to enable a systematic debate and understanding of ‘hacking’ as social praxis, we ought to look at the application of the concept in two main domains, namely techno-scientific and socio-political domains. This will enable us to unpack the […]