Posts Tagged ‘cinema’

The Impact of the Network Society upon a Social Temporal Consciousness

The Impact of the Network Society upon a Social Temporal Consciousness

Back in June, Larissa Pschetz and I presented a short paper at the Slow Technology workshop at DIS2012. Organised by William Odom, Carnegie Mellon; Richard Banks, Microsoft Research; Abigail Durrant, Culture Lab / Newcastle University; David Kirk Culture Lab / Newcastle University; and J ames Pierce, Carnegie Mellon University, the workshop recovered Hallnäs and Redström’s […]

QR Video Projects

QR Video Projects

Updating on some projects that a few of us completed last year during the Edinburgh Film Festival and part of the New Media Scotland Atmosphere series. Atmosphere is one of the research programmes at Inspace, the digital laboratory of New Media Scotland and the University of Edinburgh’s School of Informatics. First premiered at the 2010 Edinburgh […]