
Just some notes to self about representing flow over maps for the AHRC Connected Community project ‘The Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden‘. The project is a collaboration between Transition Liverpool, Friends of Everton Park and the Friends of Sudley Estate, as well as academics from Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The main aim of the […]
ISA World Congress of Sociology July 2010

Chris will be taking part in the ISA conference this year in Sweden and will be organising a session with Gianni Corino (University of Plymouth). See abstract below: Session 4: Social habitats and high-tech: the internet of things Ubiquitous computing, locative media and electronic tagging is moving data from hard-disks into the street, and building […]
Walking thru time trailer

This is the beta promo for the Walking Through Time JISC funded project. Few grammatical errors need to deal with, but its getting there.