Posts Tagged ‘time’

The Impact of the Network Society upon a Social Temporal Consciousness

The Impact of the Network Society upon a Social Temporal Consciousness

Back in June, Larissa Pschetz and I presented a short paper at the Slow Technology workshop at DIS2012. Organised by William Odom, Carnegie Mellon; Richard Banks, Microsoft Research; Abigail Durrant, Culture Lab / Newcastle University; David Kirk Culture Lab / Newcastle University; and J ames Pierce, Carnegie Mellon University, the workshop recovered Hallnäs and Redström’s […]

Thinking back on time

Thinking back on time

Like John Wood (Deaf School and Goldsmiths) said “It’s all about time!”. Perhaps more recently networks have afforded a better framework with which to understand relational temporalities, but nevertheless a lot of my research remains about time. And since a number of projects have popped up recently in which time is a central concern I’ve […]

Exhuming Spectral Cities

Exhuming Spectral Cities

A short essay reflecting on our Walking Through Time iPhone App and the potential for locative media to access social hauntings. Spectral Cities Ten years ago, at the Habitus 2000: A Sense of Place conference in Perth, Australia, the cultural geographer Steve Pile articulated the potential for cultural events within cities to bring back the […]