Temporal Tactics for Mr. Seel’s Garden
Time to blog on The Memories of Mr. Seel’s Garden AHRC Connected Communities project… Many of the projects that I get involved in highlight the stress that network media is placing upon a processional model of time in which the present day is somehow at the edge of time, and all that has gone before […]
Digital Skin #4
Digital Skin produced some rich pickings this year. This is a quick taster of the imagery…(more to follow) and some of the vine documentation that gives a taste of it from the inside plus our Marion Crane tester
Internet of Cars is coming!
The Scotsman ran an article on our Sixth Sense Transport plans for working with the Edinburgh City Council and Central Taxis: http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/scotland/tourists-to-be-guided-around-scotland-by-taxi-app-1-2762163 “VISITORS to Scotland will be the first in the world to use technology that guides visitors to tourist attractions by linking their smartphones to the registration numbers on taxis. The innovative project is […]
Drawing with Satellites #3
Fantastic session with the 2nd year ESALA students this morning. Same brief as last time: Using a GPS device respond to the following briefs: i. Work with 2 lines: This requires two groups to collaborate. The collaboration needs to be essential. ii. Relocate an existing, meaningful route. This means that participants should rotate, scale or […]