Posts Tagged ‘ahrc’

MapLocal Community Mapping

MapLocal Community Mapping

Last year and into this year I was involved in an AHRC Connected Communities project led by  Phil Jones with Colin Lorne and Antonia Layard (University of Birmingham) in which we designed an Android app that allowed residents of communities to gather information about their neighbourhoods. The app was developed by Chris Blunt (Plymouth Software) […]

Community Hacking

Community Hacking

Community Web2.0: creative control through hacking Chris Speed, Martin Phillips, Sharon Baurley,  Amadu Khan, Eoghan Howard, Prospect Community Housing Organisation, and Whale Arts. Connected Communities is a cross-Research Council research programme, led by the AHRC, in close partnership with the ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and NERC and a range of other potential stakeholders. Intro The Community Web2.0: creative control […]